



Woman to Woman

Victoria Marie Page. 23.03.16.

A friend and I were speaking last week. After recent break ups, disappointing flings, and frustrations with men as partners, we decided we wanted to see if things were any different, or really any better, if we turned our attention to women. Continue reading “Woman to Woman”

Beyond Home and a Name

Rachele Megna 21.03.2016

Last summer, debates took place over which title would be most appropriate to attribute to those individuals who reach, legally or otherwise, the shores of Europe, after having fled from their home countries. Continue reading “Beyond Home and a Name”

The Solution to Brazil’s Gun Violence: Easing Gun Laws?

Victoria Marie Page. 18.02.2016.

In 2014 an estimated 60,000 people were murdered in Brazil, one of the highest murder rates in the world. The majority of murders were by firearms and the majority of victims were young, male and identified as black. The solution proposed to congress has been to ease gun restrictions. The proposed Bill would see the age of gun ownership lowered from 25 to 21 years old and would give “citizens” a right to own guns to protect their property. Continue reading “The Solution to Brazil’s Gun Violence: Easing Gun Laws?”

The Revenant Fails to Represent

Carmina Ravanera and Cassandra Pilla. 27.01.2016

The Revenant is one of the most buzzworthy movies this season, with all the talk of the bear attack, Leo’s Oscar bait, and its beautiful aesthetics. It follows the story of frontiersman Hugh Glass and his quest for revenge after being abandoned and left to die by his companions in 19th century South Dakota. Continue reading “The Revenant Fails to Represent”

London as a ‘Feminista’ Space

Rachele Megna. 16.01.2016

Judith Butler, among others, have discussed the role of language as performative, as an agentic element of which the subject is “made up”, and through which an individual is enabled to enter social life. Continue reading “London as a ‘Feminista’ Space”

On Television Whiteness

Carmina Ravanera. 16.01.2016

A lot of memories come up when I think of my childhood: summer vacations canoeing on Ontario lakes, being really proud of the mural I painted in sixth grade, endless hours spent with Play-Doh, and watching TV and wondering why everyone was white, and why I wasn’t. Continue reading “On Television Whiteness”

‘Terror’ Today and Hannah Arendt’s ‘Totalitarianism’

Victoria Marie Page. 16.01.2016

Terror – a feeling of extreme fear. A person who uses extreme fear for political purposes – a terrorist. These definitions are conceptually broad yet contextually narrow. A “terrorist”, a Muslim – “Arab” in origin, potentially born on European soil, but “radicalised” in the Middle East – this is the embodied image that the media and politicians espouse. Continue reading “‘Terror’ Today and Hannah Arendt’s ‘Totalitarianism’”

The Philippines’ Legacy of Impunity and its Affinity for Dictators

Mariel Bianca 16.01.2016

There truly is nothing like the lead up to the Philippine Presidential Elections. On November 26, Rodrigo Duterte finally announced his candidacy for President. For months, Duterte has played coy with the public on whether or not he would officially join the Presidential race. Continue reading “The Philippines’ Legacy of Impunity and its Affinity for Dictators”

Bond Girls: New versions of an old fantasy?

A Review of Spectre

Cassandra Pilla. 16.01.2015

Here be spoilers!

The James Bond franchise has been in action for over 50 years. And while James Bond endures, so do his many, many liaisons with various women: the Bond girls. While the movie Spectre expertly combines touches of classic Bond elements with features of the more recent movies, the roles of Bond girls seemed stuck in the past and continue to lack a sense of reality. Continue reading “Bond Girls: New versions of an old fantasy?”

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